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Kirby's Nutrition Program


INCLUDED with our 7 Step Nutrition + Aerating & seeding:

  • Nutrition Application Feb/March

  • Nutrition Application April/May

  • Nutrition Application May/June

  • Nutrition Application June/July

  • Nutrition Application July/Aug

  • Nutrition Application Oct/Nov

  • Nutrition Application Nov/Dec

Nutrition Application Feb/March

Our organics Soil Conditioner and organic Fertilizer are applied to promote soil health and plant uptake of nutrients. Crabgrass pre-emergent and Broadleaf Herbicide treatment to target broadleaf weeds before you even have a chance to see them.

Nutrition Application May/June

Our organic Pre-biotic is applied to encourage the Fescue Grass to uptake more nutrients creating strong, greener & healthier grass. A Broadleaf Weed Control is used to target unsightly weeds in the yard. Treatment for Sedge Grass will be spot applied during this visit. Our natural oil surfactant is applied with these materials, so we are positive that our products are sticking to leaf and being absorbed.

Nutrition Application July/Aug

Our organic Pre-biotic is applied that frees up nutrients for anticipated new seed to be broadcast between Late Aug and Early November and encourages existing Fescue Grass to uptake more nutrients creating strong, greener & healthier grass. Treatment for Sedge Grasses and Crab Grass is spot applied with our surfactant so that we know our product is sticking to leaf.

Kirby’s Landscaping will apply Lime to areas of the yard that are more likely to be acidic and could benefit from the alkalinity of lime.  Kirby’s Lime application is to maintain the current PH of the soil.  We strongly recommend a soil sample every 2 to 3 years to determine if additional Lime is needed to regenerate unbalanced soil.  If soil sample results do recommend additional lime be applied to the turf, the increased amount is billable.

Nutrition Application April/May

Our organic Soil Conditioner and Fertilizer are applied to promote soil health and plant uptake of nutrients. Kirby's Landscaping treats again with a Crabgrass Post-Emergent Herbicide treatment to continue addressing any possible breakthrough.

Also included is a treatment for grubs helping to prevent mole & vole traffic through the soil and invasive Japanese beetles.

Nutrition Application
June / JuLy

Our organic Starter Fertilizer is applied for anticipated new seed to be broadcast between Late Aug and Early November. Treatment for Sedge Grasses and Crab Grass is spot applied with our surfactant so that we know our product is sticking to leaf.

Nutrition Application Oct/Nov

Our organic Soil Conditioner plus a Pre-biotic are applied together to continue nurturing the new fescue seed and encouraging the germinated seed to up-take more nutrients, creating strong, greener & healthier grass. 


Weed control CANNOT be applied at this time as herbicide hinders the germination rates of the newly applied seed.

Nutrition Application Nov/Dec

Our Organic Fertilizer is applied to promote plant health and uptake of nutrients and a Broadleaf Weed Control is spot applied to target unsightly weeds in the yard.

These products are applied with our surfactant so that we know our product is sticking to leaf and helping us to gain the most beneficial results.

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