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Writer's pictureKirby's Landscaping

It's Summer Time

Saturday, June 20th is the first day of summer, and we are already feeling the heat! Time to reset those irrigation systems, stock up on sunblock, and be thankful for fast growing shade trees.

We all know droughts can happen, heres how to help! A soil/plant moisture meter is a great tool to help determine if the lawn is getting enough water. Most are fairly easy to use - just stick the pointy end in the soil. It will measure the humidity and provide a color or a number to indicate if the soil is in need of more water. Keep in mind that certain plants prefer more moisture, while others prefer to be more dry. Don't store your moisture meter in the soil and wipe off the probe in between uses. They can be found at hardware stores and online.

Check your Irrigation!

Kirby's recommends 1" of water a week for established turf. How often and how long your system runs is specific to your property.

Summer Check Up visits are scheduled to begin in early July

Let us know if you'd like a rain gauge!

We're here to help!! Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Do you have any of the following?

-Azaleas / Forsythia / Hydrangea / Winter Jasmine / Lilac / Witch-Hazel

If so, then it's time for pruning!

Summer Tips:

Leave grass long!

If you mow your own turf, be sure to leave your mower on one of the highest settings. Longer blades of grass shade the soil and help reduce evaporation, so your turf can better manage the dry spells and recover quicker. Water in the morning so soil can dry before night-time. If plants are watered at night, they are more likely to have problems with fungus.

If you don't have a moisture meter, do not fret-just, stick a finger about 3-4 inches down into the soil. Water only if soil is dry to touch. If soil is moist, do NOT water (that is where it needs to be). Plants can often recover from being under-watered, but not over-watered, so water on the side of too dry. (This is true for houseplants as well!) Water early in the morning, so grass can dry out by night time.

It could be Fungus!!!

3 Main Types of Fungus:

  • Brown Patch - does best in hot, humid weather

  • Fusarium Blight - prefers hot drought conditions

  • Dollar Spot - Likes cool nights with lots of dew

Methods to Minimize Fungus Growth:

- Water deeply and less often

- Water during morning hours so the grass can dry by evening

- Use organic lawn option when possible

- Don't scalp the grass when mowing

- Aerate your lawn and prune shrubs and trees to encourage air circulation

- Top Dress every other year to improve soil, increase drainage and combat disease

- Apply a preventative fungicide when conditions favor fungus spread/growth.

Call Kirby's if you would like to be on our fungicide treatment program!

🍄 Why did the mushroom go to the party?

Because he's a fungi! 🤣

Don't forget we can help design your next outdoor project! Give us a call at (804) 559-5417


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